
Workplace Compliance with The Law or Policy

Workplace Compliance with The Law or Policy
ESSAY- ID 53563633773
Type Essay
Writer Level Masters
Style APA
Sources/References 4
Perfect Number of Pages to ESSAY- 5-10 Pages
Description/Paper Instructions

Workplace Compliance with The Law or Policy

Human Resource Policy Presentation Essay

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Week Five

Perform a literature search on human resource law or policy.

Prepare a 6-10 slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes on a topic and describe the law or policy and how a workplace would be able to demonstrate compliance with the law or policy.  Include the following in your presentation:


o    Include speaker notes

o    Describe the law or policy

o    Describe who enforces the law or policy

o    Describe how one determines if an employee is in compliance/noncompliance  with the law or policy

o    Explain if regular performance appraisals influence compliance/noncompliance with the law or policy


Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.


7 points possible

Points available Points earned
·         Introduction 1
·         Describe the law or policy 1
·         Describe who enforces the law or policy 1
·         Describe how one determines if an employee is in compliance/noncompliance with the law or policy 1
·         Explain if regular performance appraisals influence compliance/noncompliance with the law or policy 1
·         Conclusion 2

2 points possible

Points available Points earned
·         Follows rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation

·         Has a structure that is clear, logical, and easy to follow

·         Consistent with APA guidelines for title page, formatting and citation of outside works

Total 9


Home>Business & Finance homework help>Finance stock analysis

Portfolio Project – Part 2

From the portfolio that I create, there is stock that I do good, and there is stock that I do bad.

Assignment: Write up a report answering the following questions in order by question number. Copy and paste your text directly into the Blackboard submission link for Portfolio Project 2.

1) (1 page) Pick one investment of yours that performed well (my good performance stock symbol is EMBB). How did it’s return compare to the S&P 500 Index (Ticker: SPY) return over the same time period? Why did this investment perform well? What happened? Research news on the stock to find out if any significant events occurred. You can see news links for your stock where you get stock quotes.

2) (1 page) Pick one investment of yours that performed poorly (my poorly performance stock symbol is NFLX … Netflix ). How did it’s return compare to the S&P 500 Index (Ticker: SPY) return over the same time period? Why did this investment perform poorly? What happened? Research news on the stock to find out if any significant events occurred. You can see news links for your stock where you get stock quotes.

3) (1 page) Compare your portfolio asset allocation to the following portfolio guidelines which are representative of what many financial advisors suggest. You can think of these portfolio guidelines as an optimal risky portfolio combined with a risk-free asset (cash can be considered the risk-free asset). Comment on how your asset allocation is different. Why might the below diversified portfolio be better or worse than your Part 1 portfolio?

  1. a) Cash: 5-20%
  2. b) Fixed Income: 10-50%
  3. c) US Equities: 20-60%
  4. d) International Equities: 10-40%

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