
Sociology Qualitative Research Questions

Sociology Qualitative Research Questions

Guidelines for Rough Draft AND Final Paper (15-20 pages)

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** The Rough Draft/Final Paper should include details about all the points (#1-9) below IN THAT ORDER. The Rough Draft/Final Paper should be 15-20 pages long.

**All the main sections of the paper listed below should be clearly identified bold underlined, and center alignment. All sub-headings should be in bold, left aligned to distinguish them.

** Please note: The Rough Draft is the entire final paper following this format.

Sociology Qualitative Research Questions

** For details on HOW to write each section below; please refer to Guidelines on each section posted in the “Section of Research Paper” folder in the “Course Documents” tab on BB.

1. Cover page (1 page): Your rough draft/final paper should have a cover page listing: (a) the title of your paper [give your paper a title]; (b) your full name; (c) name of course and semester.

2. Abstract (100-150 words): In one paragraph provide a brief overview of your paper covering the following: (a) state your research question; (b) state your theoretical framework; (c) identify your method and sample size; (d) state your three analysis themes; (e) answer your research question. For further details refer to the “Guidelines on Writing the Abstract” in the “Section of Research Paper” folder in the “Course Documents” tab on BB.

3. Introduction (1-2 pages): Revise the Introduction from the graded Detailed Outline (if desired/asked for). Introduce your paper as though I don’t know your topic. Think about the introduction as you are introducing the topic to your reader – provider some background on the topic, provide some statistics etc. Key to the introduction – clearly identify your central research question and write about why your topic/question is important – i.e. what’s the rationale for your paper. Write the introduction in a way that grabs the reader’s attention. For further details refer to the “Guidelines for Writing the Introduction” in the “Section of Research Paper” folder in the “Course Documents” tab on BB.

4. Literature Review (4-5 pages): Insert your graded Revised Literature Review into the Rough Draft. PLEASE UPDATE THIS TITLE TO LITERATURE REVIEW. THIS SECTION WILL NOT BE RE-GRADED.

5. Theory/Theoretical Framework (2 pages): Revise the Theory from the graded Detailed Outline (if desired/asked for). Clearly identify your theory by the name of the authors associated with it. Provide a detailed summary of the theory. Please use citations. Then very clearly apply the theory to your project. Quantitative projects only, state your 2 hypotheses. For further details refer to the “Guidelines for Writing the Theoretical Framework” in the “Section of Research Paper” folder in the “Course Documents” tab on BB.

6. Methods (1-2 pages): The Methods section MUST BE REVISED from Detailed Outline; by the Rough Draft/Final Paper, you should insert complete information about sample size, sample description and analysis procedure. Clearly explain the methods you used to do your research. Identify the methods by name, list the advantages and disadvantages of the method. Clearly define your sample – number of participants, age, immigration status, race/sexuality, income etc. Explain how you recruited them. Then explain how you conducted your research – i.e. describe the procedures involved. For interviews – identify where the interviews were conducted and why, how long they lasted, how did they proceed, topics covered, how were they recorded and any challenges in doing interviews. For surveys, clearly explain how they survey was created, how was it distributed, what your response rate was, and the topics covered in the survey. Then write a few sentences about your analysis procedure. For further details refer to the “Guidelines for Writing the Methods” in the “Section of Research Paper” folder in the “Course Documents” tab on BB.

7. Analysis (5-8 pages): The Analysis section MUST BE REVISED/UPDATED FROM THE DETAILED OUTLINE. You will now include the COMPLETED ANALYSIS SECTION. Present your findings organized into 3-5 themes. Clearly identify the themes, state and explain the claims that make up the theme, back up all claims with evidence from the data and/or external literature. Connect your data to the literature and theory.

a. QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH PROJECTS ONLY: For those doing a fully quantitative project, your analysis section will have 2 parts: (a) Results – where you present your statistical analysis including tables; (b) Discussion – where you interpret the statistical analysis/tables in your own words and answer your hypotheses. For further details refer to the “Guidelines for Writing the Analysis Section” in the “Section of Research Paper” folder in the “Course Documents” tab on BB.

8. Conclusion (1-2 pages): Briefly restate your research question and summarize your findings. Clearly state your argument as the answer to your research question. End by identifying the limitations of your current project and pointing to areas of future research/ policy agendas. For further details refer to the “Guidelines for Writing the Conclusion Section” in the “Section of Research Paper” folder in the “Course Documents” tab on BB.

9. Bibliography : Update your bibliography to include references from throughout the paper including Introduction, Theoretical Framework, Literature Review and Analysis sections. Bibliography has to be cited in ASA format and the authors have to be listed alphabetically by last name. Also include websites, policy reports etc. Please cross-check that all in-text citations are referenced in the bibliography.

10. Appendices: Appendices will be a separate word document submission via BB. Appendices should include the following: (a) List of Interview/Survey questions; Code-book for dataset; (b) Transcripts/Fieldnotes (qualitative research only); (c) Informed Consent Forms if used

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