
Secure Coding

Secure Coding

10. The requirements for assessment 1:
Too many developers are prioritizing functionality and performance over security. Either that, or they just
don’t come from a security background, so they don’t have security in mind when they are developing the
site, therefore leaving the business vulnerable.
Your task for this assignment is to write a secure software development framework/guideline that
discusses five dangerous software errors such as Buffer Overruns. Your framework/guideline should
include the following for each software error:
a) demonstrate how the vulnerability can be exploited with code examples?
b) demonstrate how the code was tested to identify vulnerability?
c) how to mitigate, what security measures were put into place?
d) test again to make sure the code is resilient to the chosen attack
Your framework should also include general discussion about:
a) the importance of Security Development Life Cycle
b) product risk assessment and risk analysis
You should include all implemented source code in the appendix of your report. Note that the appendix
does not count towards your report word count.
Word counting- 2500
You should carefully consider the following when writing your report:
• Style – suitable to be quickly read and comprehended.
• Content – relevant, clearly explained, logically organized.
• Authority – discussed concepts and ideas will need evidence in support.
• Practical understanding – your own practical examples, advice and demonstrations should be
• Technical understanding – understanding of the discussed system and consideration of comparison
• Comprehensiveness – you need to cover what you consider to be all the key topics.
• Helpfulness – practical examples, advice and demonstrations should be included
11. Special instructions
You need to submit two files – one is your report (a Microsoft Word document file) and other is a zip file
containing all implemented source code.
12. Assessment 1 criteria
Below a guide to the level of practical content and report required for the assignment.
Grade Content
To achieve <30 Some requirements met, but very limited and not recoverable. Copyright
To achieve <40 Deliverables partially complete, e.g. incorrect database models or failure to
submit report.
To achieve 40+ Discussed
· Any 3 of the most dangerous software errors with examples
To achieve 50+ Discussed
· Any 3 of the most dangerous software errors with examples
· Security Development Life Cycle
· Some code examples used in the report were implemented by yourself
To achieve 60+ Discussed
· Any 4 of the most dangerous software errors with examples
· Security Development Life Cycle
 Discussion of product risk assessment and risk analysis
· Most code examples used in the report were implemented by
To achieve 70+ Discussed
· Any 5 of the most dangerous software errors with examples
· Security Development Life Cycle
 Discussion of product risk assessment and risk analysis
· All code examples used in the report were implemented by yourself
Note that the overall grade will be determined by the application of the School of
Business & Technology Assessment Criteria Grid.

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