
Rape Myths And Culture Essay

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Rape Myths and Culture Essay
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ESSAY- Essay
I need someone to add 1 more page to this essay. Also, please go through and make grammatical corrections to ensure it is perfect.
Topic: Rape Culture and Rape Myths
Needs to extend to the bottom of page 7.
Original requirements:
Things that need to be present in every APA paper and/or assignment:
Title Page (all double-spaced and centered)
Title of paper
Student’s name
School Name
Time spent on assignment
Running head needed (the words ‘Running head’ must be present as well… this is only on the Title Page though)
Page number of 1
Abstract (all double-spaced)
The word ‘Abstract’ should be centered on page
The first line of the Abstract is not indented or tabbed
Running head needed, however, the words ‘Running head’ should not be present
Page number of 2
Content/body of paper (all double-spaced)
Running head needed, however, the words ‘Running head’ should not be present
Appropriate page numbers (3 through how many pages are presented)
Must have in-text citations (should be from academic sources)
Must appropriately address short and long quotes
Must address all questions/issues from assignment/research paper instructions
Reference Page (the word ‘References’ should be centered; should be double-spaced between references; references themselves can either be double-spaced or single-spaced; it looks tidier when references are single-spaced with a double-space between references)
Hanging indentions
Sources should have the appropriate page numbers in references (when applicable)
Running head needed, however, the words ‘Running head’ should not be present
Appropriate page number
Running Heads
Be at the top of every page and it should be even with the page number; it should be flush on the left margin
The words ‘Running head’ should only be present on the Title Page and the ‘R’ in Running should be capitalized, but the rest should be lower case (Running head:)
The title or partial title used for the Running head should be in all capital letters on every page
Page numbers
Should be a page number on the top of every page and it should be even with the Running head; it should be flush on the right margin

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