You will persuade your audience (the class) to be interested/motivated to purchase a product based on the following criteria.
- real (something we can see and touch)
- legal
- be able to purchase online or in a local store
- current retail price- $1 to $500 US
- not anything living, like a pet etc.
- not a weapon of any kind
- not a drug, alcohol etc.
- nothing distasteful or potentially offensive to others
- persuade the audience to support your product.
- no services or giftcards
- REFERENCES – You should have at least two credible references in your bibliography.
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Get Help Now!Speaker: [Your Name]
Speech Topic: [Topic]
Speech Title: [Title]
Speech Type: [Persuasive –or– Informative –or– Special Occasion]
Audience Analysis:
· Knowledge: [What do your listeners know about the topic?]
· Attitudes: [How does your audience feel about the topic? What can you do to create or reinforce a positive attitude?]
· Expectations: [Why will your audience be present for your speech? What are they expecting to hear?]
· Demographics: [Describe the audience’s demographics. How might those factors influence your presentation?]
· Setting: [What will your speech setting be?]
Speech Purpose: [Write a specific purpose that expresses in action form what you hope to achieve with your speech.]
Thesis Statement: [Write a single declarative sentence expressing the theme or central idea of your speech.]
· Getting Attention: [Gain the audience’s attention.]
· Topic and Purpose: [Summarize your topic and purpose.]
· Main Points: [Preview the main points.]
· Relevance: [Make the topic relevant for your audience.]
· Credibility: [Establish credibility as a speaker.]
Organizational Pattern: [Enter the organizational pattern used for your main points.]
[Replace the bracketed information with the contents of your speech. Revise the outline by editing your points, rearranging them if necessary, and adding supporting points.]
I. [First idea (strongest)] (* Note any visual aid(s) you plan to include)
A. [Support] (* Note visual aids)
1. [Example] (* Note visual aids)
2. [Example] (* Note visual aids)
B. [Support] (* Note visual aids)
1. [Example] (* Note visual aids)
2. [Example] (* Note visual aids)
C. [Support] (* Note visual aids)
1. [Example] (* Note visual aids)
2. [Example] (* Note visual aids)
Transition: [Write a sentence that will help your audience connect one main point to the next.]
II. [Second idea (second strongest)] (* Note any visual aid(s) you plan to include)
A. [Support] (* Note visual aids)
1. [Example] (* Note visual aids)
2. [Example] (* Note visual aids)
B. [Support] (* Note visual aids)
1. [Example] (* Note visual aids)
2. [Example] (* Note visual aids)
C. [Support] (* Note visual aids)
1. [Example] (* Note visual aids)
2. [Example] (* Note visual aids)
Transition: [Write a transition that will help your audience make the connection from one main point to the next.]
III. [Third idea (weakest)] (* Note any visual aid(s) you plan to include)
A. [Support] (* Note visual aids)
1. [Example] (* Note visual aids)
2. [Example] (* Note visual aids)
B. [Support] (* Note visual aids)
1. [Example] (* Note visual aids)
2. [Example] (* Note visual aids)
C. [Support] (* Note visual aids)
1. [Example] (* Note visual aids)
2. [Example] (* Note visual aids)
Closing Signal: [Signal the close of your speech.]
Main Points: [Summarize your main points.]
Topic and Purpose: [Repeat your topic and speech purpose.]
Audience Response: [Challenge the audience to respond.]
Memorable Close: [Make the conclusion memorable.]
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