
In your essay, briefly describe your five choices, how you would portray them in the exhibit, and, most important, why you chose these five historical moments.

American History

You have been chosen as the curator for a new exhibit, “Finding the American Dream: Five Critical Moments in Modern American History,” which will be featured in the National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C. The purpose of this exhibit is to give museum visitors an opportunity to think about the idea of the American dream through the presentation of five important moments, debates, or controversies in U.S. history from the end of the Civil War through our modern world. What, though, will you choose?

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In your essay, briefly describe your five choices, how you would portray them in the exhibit, and, most important, why you chose these five historical moments.

You may choose any five moments (broadly defined, as longer events, movements, individuals, etc. are acceptable), develop a unifying theme, or approach the exhibit in whatever way you choose, as long as you are able to clearly argue why they belong in your exhibit. You must also include primary sources in your exhibit. Ultimately, though, the choices are yours to make.

Your paper should be 5-7 pages in length, double-spaced, use proper grammar, and exhibit a sophisticated sense of analysis and critical thinking.

In your essay, briefly describe your five choices, how you would portray them in the exhibit, and, most important, why you chose these five historical moments.

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