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Get Help Now!Welcome to the Week 10 Module
This module completes our efforts to examine Chapter 5, Power: The Architecture of Conflict. The emphasis of this module is on the remainder of the chapter (use of power in conflict tactics, the balance of power, and working with power).
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:
- Recognize the approaches of social science research to studying conflict processes and the communication factors known to influence conflict escalation.
To-Do List
- Read Chapter 5 (161-180)
- Complete the Chapter 5 Discussion Post
Assigned Discussion Questions
What have you observed (first hand or via media coverage) of the use of power in conflict tactics, the balance of power, or working with power? Please offer your example for this week’s discussion and make specific connections to the reading.
Discussion Requirements and Rubric
You are required to post items to the course online discussion forum that adds value to the topic that is covered that week linking theory to real-world examples. The posts will be graded on a 20-point scale. (20 (A), 10 (C), or 0 (F)). You will receive the full 20 points for answering the questions completely in-depth and creatively, you will receive 10 points for partially answering the questions, scarcely, and not critically and you will receive 0 points for not answering the questions at all or not putting forth any effort.
Each post should do the following:
- Analyze the assigned discussion questions according to requirements for the week.
- Make specific connections to the reading
- Each post should be at least 3 paragraphs in length.
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