
COM472 Training And Development Plan

COM472 Training And Development Plan

I need the following discussion questions answered in 150 words each. Please provide references with each DQ question.

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When is training a good answer to an organizational problem? When might it not be the best answer?


COM472 Training And Development Plan

What are some of the historical developments (in terms of models of approaches to training) in the field of Training and Development? How did the field originate/evolve? Think about how new technologies have shaped training models/approaches?


Read Chapter 2 in The Trainer’s Handbook.

Read “Where Companies Go Wrong With Learning and Development,” by Glaveski, from Harvard Business Review Digital Article (2019)

Read “Making Sure the Solutions Are the Right Ones:Training Needs Analysis,” by Martin, from Training and Development in Australia (2009).

Read “Know When Training Is the Right Solution,” by Bennett, from Strategic HR Review (2011).

Read “Life-Span Learning and Development and Its Implications for Workplace Training,” by Beier, from Current Directions in Psychological Science (2021).

Read “Workplace Training in the Age of AI,” by Lowe, from Boston Review (2021)

Read “An Adult Learner’s Learning Style Should Inform But Not Limit Educational Choices,” by Barry & Egan, from International Review of Education (2018).



COM472 Training And Development Plan

Think of or find an example of a communication problem in an organization. What could possibly be an intervention that could be employed to solve or help reduce that communication problem? What makes you think this intervention would be a good choice?


What would you do if you knew that the training you have been asked to develop and/or deliver is not going to resolve the performance problem it is supposed to resolve? What could you do to convince management to reevaluate the training needs?


Read Chapter 1 in The Trainer’s Handbook.

Read “Conducting a Needs Assessment,” from the USDA website.

Read “From Needs Assessment to Needs Analysis,” by Christensen, from Performance Improvement (2018).

COM472 Training And Development Plan

Read the “Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work” from Grand Canyon University’s One Foundation (2015) in preparation for assignments and discussion questions.

Read “User Needs Analysis and Development of Priorities for Life Cycle Impact Assessment,” by Stewart & Jolliet, from The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2004).

Read “Training Needs Assessment of Health Care Professionals in a Developing Country: The Example of Saint Lucia,” by Gaspard & Che-Ming, from BMC Medical Education (2016).

Read “Problem-Based Learning: A Viable Approach in Leadership Development?” by Yeo, from The Journal of Management Development (2007).

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