
Briefly define advance nursing practice and the four roles in advanced practice nursing pertaining to clinical practice, primary care, education, administration, and health information.

Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing:
Use the University Library and your assigned textbook to answer the following questions.

Distinguish between Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP) and the Advanced Practice Nurse (APN).
Briefly define advance nursing practice and the four roles in advanced practice nursing pertaining to clinical practice, primary care, education, administration, and health information.
Discuss the role you intend to acquire through the university. Include experiences and/or qualities you have that have influenced your decision. Include your personal philosophy.
Develop a minimum of ten questions that you would like to ask the advanced practice clinician or non-clinician that you have chosen to interview. Identify in the paper the individual by name, credentials, position and your planned date for the interview (Interview write up is due Week 3)

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Briefly define advance nursing practice and the four roles in advanced practice nursing pertaining to clinical practice, primary care, education, administration, and health information.

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