
Best online term paper topics

Coming up with solid topics to write about might be one of the most challenging aspects of writing a research paper. Thankfully, we have already done the legwork for you by compiling a list of intriguing term paper topics. To make it simple for you to select the appropriate topic for you, they have been divided into ten categories that each include a variety of topics.

We’ve included tips on what constitutes a good research paper topic and how to utilize your topic to start producing a fantastic paper, in addition to the list of excellent research paper topics.

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What makes good term paper topics?

You should select a compelling topics before you begin writing since not all research paper ideas are made equal. The three most crucial things to consider while selecting the most outstanding research paper topics are listed below.

1. You’re interested in it

If you are interested in the topic, writing a paper will always be simpler for you, and you’ll be more encouraged to do in-depth research and create a paper that covers the entire topic. Don’t feel persuaded to choose a research paper topic until you have some interest in it, even if it’s generating a lot of buzz or other people appear interested in writing about it.

2. Enough data is available to write a paper

If there isn’t adequate research on the issue, even if you have the most informative research paper topic and are eager to write about it, you won’t be able to create a decent paper. This may occur for issues that are very narrowly focused or highly specialized, as well as topics that are too recent to have an adequate study done on them at the time. Easy research paper topics usually have sufficient data to support a lengthy essay.

It is challenging to create a research paper on a topic without many studies, so when you choose a topic, conduct some preliminary research to ensure you’ll have all the data you need to complete your paper.

3. It follows your teacher’s instructions

Avoid forgetting any guidelines or limitations your instructor may have set for research topic ideas by getting carried away when browsing listings of topics for research papers. Writing about how rap has affected the music industry in a research paper on health-related topics is certainly not acceptable, although there may be some flexibility. You may be able to choose a topic that falls into both categories, such as examining the connection between US and North Korea, if you’re particularly interested in current events. Still, your instructor wants you to write a research paper on historical topics. Never start writing a research paper without first getting your teacher’s approval for the topics.

Good topics for research papers

One hundred thirteen excellent research ideas are provided here to get you started on your report. To simplify your identification of the kind of research paper topics you’re searching for, we’ve divided them into ten categories.

Topics for term paper in arts and culture

  1. Talk about the fundamental artistic contrasts between the Northern and Italian renaissances.
  2. Examine the influence a well-known artist had on the globe.
  3. What role does sexism play in various mediums (music, movies, video games, etc.)? Has sexism’s prevalence or nature altered throughout time?
  4. How has enslaved African music influenced contemporary American music?
  5. How has rap music changed over the last ten years?
  6. How has the media’s representation of minorities evolved?

Economics term paper topics

These term paper topics can include macroeconomics term paper topics and labor economics term paper topics which mostly can be about the progress in a given country or even internationally.

Term paper topics in economics examples

  1. What effects has china’s one-child policy had?
  2. How have feminists’ objectives evolved throughout time?
  3. How have foreign relations evolved under the trump administration?
  4. Examine the development of the US -north Korea relationship throughout time.
  5. What causes led to the present drop in the unemployment rate?
  6. What effects have the higher minimum wages in certain states had?
  7. How do the immigration rules of other nations compare to those of US?
  8. How have immigration rules altered over the last few years or decades?
  9. What impact has the black lives matter movement had on conversations and perceptions of racism in US?
  10. How has the affordable care act affected our healthcare?
  11. What elements had a role in the UK’s decision to quit the EU (Brexit)?
  12. What reasons led China to become a significant economic force?

Education paper topics

  1. Do pupils who attend schools without grades do better in college and their careers?
  2. On standardized examinations, do pupils from more affluent households do better?
  3. Do pupils who get free lunches at school do better academically than those who do not?
  4. Do charter school pupils perform better than public schools on standardized tests?
  5. Do same-sex classrooms benefit pupils’ learning?
  6. How would providing each student with a laptop or ipad improve their academic performance?
  7. What are the Montessori method’s advantages and disadvantages?
  8. Do preschoolers do better in school later on?
  9. What effect did the no child leave behind act have?
  10. How does our educational system stack up against that of other nations?
  11. What effects on students’ health do require physical education programs have?
  12. Which strategies work best to lessen bullying in schools?
  13. Do homeschool college students do equally well as those who attended traditional schools?
  14. Does granting tenure improve or degrade the quality of instruction?
  15. How does student debt for education influence their future life decisions?
  16. Are unions for graduate students appropriate?

Ethics term paper topics

Ethics, at times, is closely related to philosophy; thus, the list below contains some philosophy term paper topics that you can choose from once asked to write an essay on any philosophical issue;

  1. What are the many approaches to reducing gun-related fatalities in US?
  2. The rates of divorce have altered throughout time, but how and why?
  3. Is affirmative action still required in the workplace or education?
  4. Should medically be assisted suicide to be permitted?
  5. What effects has stem cell research had on medicine?
  6. How can the global and American levels of human trafficking be reduced?
  7. Should organ donation be possible in return for cash?

Government term paper topics

  1. Which juvenile sentences have the best track records for deterring future offenses?
  2. Has the level of airport security increased in the US made travelers safer?
  3. Examine the similarities and differences between the immigration laws of various nations.
  4. Several states have legalized marijuana for recreational use. What results, advantages, and disadvantages have they encountered?
  5. Do tariffs lead to an increase in domestic employment?
  6. Which jail changes have had the most success?
  7. Should governments have the authority to restrict certain online content?

Medical term paper topics

  1. Which strategies or initiatives have reduced adolescent pregnancy the most effectively?
  2. What advantages and disadvantages does the keto diet have?
  3. How successful are various fitness regimens for shedding pounds and keeping it off?
  4. How do different nations’ healthcare systems vary from one another?
  5. What are depression treatments most successful?
  6. What benefits and drawbacks do genetically modified foods offer?
  7. What techniques work best for enhancing memory?
  8. What steps may be taken to reduce our healthcare costs?
  9. Which elements played a part in the present opioid crisis?
  10. Examine the origins and effects of the aids/HIV pandemic.
  11. Are low-fat or low-carbohydrate diets better for losing weight?
  12. How many hours of exercise should a typical adult receive per week?
  13. Which approaches work best to persuade parents to vaccinate their kids?
  14. What benefits and drawbacks do clean needle initiatives offer?
  15. How does the body respond to stress?

History term paper topics

Term paper topics on history can include history term paper topics as well as world history term paper topics

  1. Talk about the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
  2. What were the Salem witch trials’ causes and consequences?
  3. Who was in charge of the Iran-contra scandal?
  4. How has Hurricane Katrina affected New Orleans and the government’s approach to natural disasters?
  5. What incidents caused the roman empire to collapse?
  6. What effects did British dominance have in India?
  7. Was it essential to drop atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima?
  8. What were the American women’s suffrage movement’s accomplishments and shortcomings?
  9. What led to the American civil war?
  10. How did the death of Abraham lincoln affect the nation and the post-civil war rebuilding process?
  11. What elements supported the colonies’ victory in the American revolution?
  12. Why did Hitler become so powerful?
  13. Describe the historical effect of a particular innovation.
  14. Why did Cleopatra lose her position as Egypt’s ruler?
  15. How has Japan changed and developed over the ages?
  16. What factors led to the genocide in Rwanda?

Sociology term paper topics on religion

  1. Martin Luther chose to leave the catholic church, but why?
  2. Examine the background and effects of a well-known cult (Jonestown, Manson family, etc.)
  3. What effects did the sexual abuse issue have on public perception of the catholic church?
  4. How has the catholic church’s influence evolved over the last several decades or centuries?
  5. What are the reasons for the growth in atheism and agnosticism in America?
  6. What factors in Siddhartha’s life led to his development into the buddha?
  7. How have Islam and Muslims been portrayed in the media after September 11th?

Science/environment term paper topics

  1. What have recent changes been made to the planet’s climate?
  2. How has the usage and abolition of DDT impacted bird populations in US?
  3. Examine how natural catastrophes have become more frequent and severe over the last several decades.
  4. Analyze the rates of deforestation in a particular region or worldwide over time.
  5. How have rules and cleaning techniques evolved due to previous oil spills?
  6. How has the flint water disaster altered the safety of water regulations?
  7. What are fracking’s benefits and drawbacks?
  8. How has the Paris climate agreement affected things thus far?
  9. What are NASA’s most significant accomplishments and shortcomings?
  10. How can the availability of clean water be increased globally?
  11. Exactly how beneficial is ecotourism to the environment?
  12. Should the US use more nuclear power?
  13. What can be done to prevent the extinction of amphibian species now in danger?
  14. How has climate change affected coral reefs?
  15. How do black holes form?

Technology term paper topics

  1. Are kids who use social media more often more prone to experience anxiety or depression?
  2. How would internet users be affected if net neutrality is eliminated?
  3. Examine the development and history of autonomous cars.
  4. How has the deployment of drones altered techniques for combat and surveillance?
  5. Has social media increased or decreased human connection?
  6. What strides has artificial intelligence made recently?
  7. Does the use of cell phones at work affect or boost output?
  8. What are the best strategies for integrating technology into the classroom?
  9. How has google search changed our ability to think?
  10. What is the ideal age for a kid to get their first smartphone?
  11. Has texting too much-made teens less literate?

Psychology term paper topics

  1. Discrimination and prejudice
  2. Social intelligence.
  3. Individual perception.
  4. Both cults and social control.
  5. Propaganda, marketing, and persuasion.
  6. Love, romance, and attraction.
  7. Nonverbal communication.

Managerial accounting term paper topics

  1. Job order pricing.
  2. Costing is dependent on activity.
  3. Capital planning.
  4. Costing of the process.
  5. Understanding cost behavior and doing a cost-volume-profit analysis
  6. Individual product and service pricing
  7. Costing standards and variance analysis
  8. The ratio analysis.

Criminal justice term paper topics

  1. Discrimination in the workplace.
  2. Discrimination based on race.
  3. In practice of transitional justice
  4. Prison work ethics
  5. Punishment disparities
  6. Reform and incarceration
  7. Hatred is a crime.
  8. Harassment motivated by racial disparities


These are substantial term paper topics spanning a wide range of areas that you could find helpful while developing your own. Suppose you want assistance with anything other than developing ideas. In that case, you can also order on for a unique research paper in politics, media, communication, mathematics, the law, or even nursing.

ALSO CHECK THIS: New Psychology Thesis Topics To Get Started



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