
Will racism (it) ever end? Suppose you say yes, then how and when? Explain to me what it will take to eradicate racism and how much time that will take.Explain what measures or actions must take place to bring this to fruition.

In this assignment,  critically look at racism as a whole.

The battle to end racism has gone on for centuries.

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The quagmire is that it (racism) is alive and well; it continues to grow yearly.

Racism also comes in many forms and areas.

The limitation or suppression of “Hate” or “Offensive” or “Incitive” language/ideals can be perceived as a method of censorship and limit the exposure of those that may follow or believe in racist dreams. This could then drive racism underground and be harder to address.

Answer the following:

Will racism (it) ever end?

Suppose you say yes, then how and when? Explain to me what it will take to eradicate racism and how much time that will take.Explain what measures or actions must take place to bring this to fruition.

If you say no, then tell me why racism (it) will not end? Explain to me why you believe it will never end and what we can await in the future regarding racism.

What role did speciesism play in the development of racism?

If you believe in equity and equality for all, and you stand for the freedom of expression and speech, is that not counterintuitive to attempting to eliminate or cancel those who speak or share racist or hateful views?

Closeout with answering:

Was all the time and effort that society has put into fighting racism (it) worth the fight if we may be still in the same place with different players?

Should we continue to combat racism? Explain why or why not?

Do you believe that accepting racism (it) and accepting that racist speech/ideals are included as freedom of speech under the first amendment as long as no physical violence or harm or attack occurs is the answer?

Should we be putting the energy in a different direction, then attempting to end racism (it), or remain in the fight of ending racism? Explain why or why not?

You must answer all questions listed.

The following is the required format:

You must write in the 1st person, not the 3rd person.

Make sure to check your plagiarism report; if your plagiarism report is accurate and considerable, you stand to receive “0” points for the assignment and be reported.

You must use APA format with a cover page, abstract, and conclusion. (Help with APA Format (Links to an external site.))

Your font should be 12 point font in either Arial, Calibri, Century Gothic, Sans (any), Tiresias, Trebuchet

The post Will racism (it) ever end? Suppose you say yes, then how and when? Explain to me what it will take to eradicate racism and how much time that will take.Explain what measures or actions must take place to bring this to fruition. first appeared on essaynewt.

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