

For your final product of this paper, you are to develop a 7-8 paragraph theme that describes a solution to an educational problem. Any problem/solution topic in education can work as long as it is researchable. Give necessary background information describing the problem. Clearly detail the steps involved to solve the problem or improve the circumstances. Analyze why there is a problem and what things will change once your solution is implemented. Have a specific audience in mind when you are writing the paper.
For your educational topic, first pick a level of education (preschool, grade school, middle school, senior high, or college). Next, pick a form of education (traditional, nontraditional, online, home school, public, private, etc.); then pick a problem of interest (grades, tuition, learning styles, funding, accountability, discipline, access, etc.)and present a solution or solutions (your ideas backed up by research) to this problem.
Complete these requirements in the following order for this paper:
RESEARCH:You must do research for this paper. Your final paper needs to include quotes, summaries, and paraphrases from a minimum of 2 different sources (such as reputable, academic sources, not Wikipedia—see our Homepage for links to find them) that help prove the points you are trying to make. Follow the MLA style for introducing and integrating your sources within your text, as well as proper documentation of these sources. Include a Works Cited page at the end of your paper listing these sources in proper format.
INTRODUCTION:Your introduction can be 1or 2 paragraphs. Begin with an Attention Getter (AG) that will capture your audience and lead to your thesis. The AG should be a minimum of about 4 sentences and a maximum of a whole paragraph (see the 5-Paragraph Theme handout).
The Thesis Statement must be in the introduction. It should be one sentence only and come after the AG and transitional sentences. It should state the problem and your proposed solution.
MAIN BODY:The main body should be 4-6 paragraphs. Include 4-6 main supporting points to prove your thesis. Develop a clear Topic Sentence for every main body paragraph.
CONCLUSION:Your conclusion should include a summary of your main points, a Thesis Restatement, and a Tie Back to your AG (see the 5-Paragraph Theme handout). These elements can be in any order that works best for your paper.
Incorporate all of the writing techniques into this paper that you have learned in class, demonstrating your good judgment about what will be most effective. This is your chance to demonstrate your expertise in these techniques.
Revising:Save first draft as “YourName_Paper3Draft1.” Submit to dropbox. Put draft aside for at least one day. Find my feedback in the dropbox.
Revise Draft 1 using the “Track Changes” tool. Save“YourName_Paper3Draft1Revisions” with all colored marks showing.
Accept the changes. Label as “YourName_Paper3Draft2.” Put aside for another day, make revisions, save as“YourName_Paper3Draft2Revisions.” Submit to the dropbox both sets of revisions with colored marks visible.
Accept changes. Label as “YourName_Paper3FinalCopy.” (You can still make more revisions if you choose.) Then, submit to dropbox.
In all of your drafts, underline your Thesis, Topic Sentences, and Thesis Restatement. See the Course Schedule for due dates.
Draft Check-Off Sheet for Paper

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