Below, you’ll find several writing prompts. Select one of them and respond thoroughly and thoughtfully
while adhering to the following requirements:
1. Your response must be comprised of at least 1,000 words.
2. Your response must be submitted in Word document format. Submissions made in any other
format will not be counted.
3. Your response must be written in 12-point font (Arial or Times New Roman, preferably).
4. You do not need to do outside research, so no citations or bibliography pages is required.
Your work will be graded on the “WORD” rubric:
Writing 25% of grade How is your grammar, punctuation, spelling, and clarity?
Organization 25% of grade Have you maintained focus on your topic throughout your essay? Does the ordering of each paragraph make sense? Does
each sentence of each paragraph contribute to the purpose of
the paragraph?
Research 25% of grade Are you representing key concepts accurately? Thoroughly?
Demonstration 25% of grade Is your argument complete (i.e., are you missing premises)?
Have you avoided fallacies? Is your conclusion clear? Have you
addressed your opposition?
Writing Prompts (select one)
1. Is it morally wrong for one to hold beliefs that one does not understand? In other words, is it
wrong to hold beliefs for which we lack sufficient evidence and/or reasoning? The answer to
this question does not need to be ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ In fact, a more reasonable approach to this
question would be to identify the circumstances under which such beliefs are morally
permissible versus impermissible (and why). For example, suppose a person believes that the
Earth is flat without having sufficient evidence. Is this belief morally wrong? Now, suppose that
another person believes that a particular race of people is superior and ought to hold power
over other, inferior races of people. Is this belief morally wrong? If you say ‘no’ to the first, and
‘yes’ to the second, for example, the key question is why? So, again, respond to the question of
whether or not it is morally permissible for one to hold beliefs one does not understand AND be
sure to say, very carefully, why.
2. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of objectivism and relativism ethics and describe the
circumstances under which you believe each approach to be appropriate. What are the
differences between objectivistic and relativistic ethics? What do we stand to gain from
adhering to objective ethical principles? Are there any practical or logical problems with
objectivism? What do we stand to gain from approaching ethics relativistically? Are there any
practical or logical problems with relativism? Under what circumstances is objectivism the
appropriate approach? Why? What about relativism? Give specific examples and lay out your
reasoning thoroughly.
3. Discuss Gender from a philosophical perspective. Is gender innate or learned (i.e., a product of
nature or nurture)? How do you know? Is gender a biological or sociological construct? How
do you know? Do you suppose that gender roles have emerged as a result of nature or nurture?
Both? Neither? You may want to discuss the alleged role of the patriarchy in addressing this
last question. Finally, tell why you think whether traditional gender roles are helpful or
detrimental to the well being of society or individuals (choose one).
4. Discuss social media from a consequentialist perspective. For the average user (two
hours/day) do you think that social media use is more likely to enrich or diminish quality of life?
Why? State your conclusion clearly and provide several supporting premises. Make sure to
address objections to your argument as well.
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