

DQ1Describe a waiting line situation that you regularly face in your daily life. Explain how you would improve the structure of that system by applying waiting line analysis.DQ2What are the economic costs of waiting lines? How might these costs be measured? What decision criteria can be used to justify expanding services to reduce waiting times?
Julieta Castellanos2 postsRe: Topic 7 DQ 1Waiting in life is part of everyday life. We often wait in line at the supermarket, at the bank teller, we wait in line at the movies, we spend a lot of time waiting. Models have been developed to help managers understand and make better decisions concerning the operation of waiting lines (Anderson et al., 2016). The Waiting Line model consists of mathematical formulas and relationships that can be used to determine the operating characteristics for a waiting line (Anderson et al., 2016). This information help managers to decide whether if the service is optimal or needs to improve their systems. In order to obtain an economic analysis, we need to consider two costs, waiting cost and service cost. The waiting cost may be inexpensive, at least in the short run, but may incur high costs of client dissatisfaction, making client take their business elsewhere. Service cost relates to any cost associated with establishing each server operation (Anderson et al., 2016). One of the biggest waiting lines I have to deal with is when I cross from Mexico to the USA. The waiting crossing time is very high most of the time. For example, two years ago, I had to wait in line for 6 hours to cross the border, but some friends told me that they had waited between 12 and 15 hours to cross. They use a multi-server system, where each server has a dedicated queue, and each person chooses which line to join. This occasionally causes many troubles, because some lines are faster than others, and people that have hours in one line try to move to the fastest one, and there had been accidents because of this reason. I think the main reason the waiting lines are so long is that there is no other way to cross in the first place; hence, there is no waiting cost for them, even when revisions are necessary, and they count on technology to help them with revisions crossing procedures, sometimes it is just too much.Anderson, D. R., Sweeney, D. J., Williams, T. A., Camm, J. D., Cochran, J. L., Fry, M. J.,

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